Background Check Shows Trustworthy Pet Sitter

I used to perform a background check on myself. Sitter City allows you to search for pet sitters and child care within your community. You can see there are quite a few pet sitters available in Dublin, Ohio and northwestern Columbus. You can review my clean background check on my Sitter City profile. This is just another way to help show that I am someone you can trust with your pets while you are away.

Trusty Paws Logo with Background Check

Of course you can’t go by this alone when choosing the right pet sitter. Call or email now for a free consultation so you can meet me and see if Trusty Paws is right for you! Click the Contact button in the main menu.

Buying a Treadmill for Dog Exercise

If your pet dog is like mine, he can get pretty cooped up during the winter months when it’s too cold or snowy to go for a walk. I’ve seen on Caesar Milan’s Dog Whisperer TV show where they used a treadmill to help a dog use up some extra energy and get some exercise when it’s not feasible to go for a walk. Even if you do take your dog on a short walk every day, most dogs need more physical exercise than that. So a treadmill may be a great idea for both owner and pets!

Type of Treadmill for Pets

I took a quick look on Craig’s List for cheap treadmills and found some for very cheap. After looking around a bit, they could actually be manual treadmills versus motorized. I don’t think manual treadmills will work very well for dogs. I know it will take some time to get them used to any treadmill, but how would you get them to start and keep walking on their own? So I’m thinking electric, motorized treadmills would be best. They don’t need to have an incline or lots of options. Unfortunately the article on on the pros/cons of manual vs. motorized treadmills says that motorized ones go for $750 to $5000! Not quite in my price range. You may be able to find used ones for cheaper, though. Try Craig’s list, Ebay, and Manual treadmills are much cheaper and fold up for easier storage. They can be from $100 to $200 new.

Let me know if you have any comments on treadmills that are good for canine exercise!

Pet-Friendly Apartments in Northwestern Columbus

I’ve been doing some research into pet-friendly apartments in the Northwestern Columbus, Ohio area, specifically Dublin. I’ve been compiling a list of apartment complexes with their addresses and phone numbers in a Google Doc Spreadsheet. But I thought it would be neat to map them all on one map and see spatially where they are located. So I decided to make a custom Google Map with them all! I’m also trying to record some details such as if there is an additional cost for pets, if they only allow cats or small dogs, etc. Here is the embedded version:

Pet Friendly Apartments in Northwestern Columbus, Ohio

**Interactive map has been removed for performance reasons. Go to Google Maps to see Pet-friendly apartments in Northwestern Columbus.**

Please leave a comment if you know of another one, or have any feedback regarding these apartments!