The pet connection website is now in beta mode. I’ve added many businesses that I found by Google searches, but I need your help in adding others that you find! Please sign up for a free account to add a business to the site. Search the website by service type to find a particular service near you. I’ve added pretty many categories of services, including Doggie Daycare/camp, merchandise, boarding, grooming, dog walking, pet sitting, training, dog parks, clean up, adoption/shelter, health care/clinic (veterinarians), pet store, and cuisine! I didn’t realize that there are businesses out there that provide dog food and treats in a buffet-style (bakery) for dogs that come in! I found Three Dog Bakery and Heidi’s Homemade. They are under the cuisine category.
Social Links
The details page of a business will display links to that business’ profile on social networks and other community/review sites. I haven’t done much research to find all these links yet, so please send an email or post a comment if you would like to point out a link to a business.
Viewing and creating reviews for a business are not available yet. I’m still not sure if adding the ability to write reviews on this site is prudent due to the numerous other review sites out there. Please use the social links for the respective business to find reviews on other sites. But what would set these reviews apart from the others is the ability to rate each individual service provided by a business, and provide an opportunity for businesses to respond to the feedback and reviews they receive. NOTE: Reviews and feedback will be moderated to an extent to ensure communication is civil, intelligent, appropriate, respectful, and rated G.
Let me know what you think about the new site!