We can provide a range of software and web solutions customized to your needs. At the initial consultation (can be done over the phone) we can discuss your current problems and existing technology solutions, and what you’d like to see changed, added, or improved.
- Maybe you’re looking for a cheap or free DIY online solution that you can learn and develop your own website. There are lots of sites that offer very affordable services, but there may be a learning curve for using it, or it may be restrictive.
- Maybe you have a design ready to go and need some help developing the functionality of the site.
- Maybe you have an idea for a great phone app or mobile website and need someone to develop it.
- Or maybe you don’t quite know what exactly you need! We can think of possible solutions together. I would love to hear more about your business or idea and what problem you’d like to solve.
Why Choose Trusty Paws/Mandato LLC?
Please see the Advantages page for more information on what makes us unique!