Thought I’d try posting a quick video, taken by my mobile phone (Motorola Droid) and instantly published to an online stream at Qik (see all my videos at
Tag: training
Pet-related Events in June
Now that I’m looking around online, I find that there are many pet-related events happening recently. I wonder if summer is more popular for these events, or if they happen throughout the year? First, I’ll list a few that have passed, so you can check back next year to see if they will re-occur:
BlogPaws 2010 – Pet Blogger Conference in Columbus, OH on April 9th and 10th
Mutt March 2010 at Humane Society of Delaware County – May 22, 2010
Rescue Run walk/run for homeless pets – May 29, 2010
CHA’s Kitten Shower – June 5, 2010
Here’s some upcoming events from Capital Area Humane Society (CAHS) and CHA Animal Shelter
- June 6 – Summer Pet Festival, Northarlington Animal Clinic
- June 8 & 23 – Pet Behavior Intermediate Workshop (CAHS)
- June 12 – Par for Pets (CHA)
- June 19 – Slobberfest, Pavilion at Coffman Park, Dublin (
- June 22 – Take Your Pet to Work Day
- June 26 – Adoption Event at PetSmart (see CHA)
I’m sure there’s many more; I just found these on only two different websites! Your veterinarian or local animal shelter may have their own calendar of events, so check them out if you’re looking to volunteer or attend events!
Please add your comments if you have another event in June you’d like to promote, or have any comments about the upcoming events.
The Dog Trainer – Quick and Dirty Tips
I’ve heard of Grammar Girl’s Quick and Dirty Tips Podcast, and knew there were other categories, so I looked for a pet related one the other day. (A Podcast is like a blog, but has an audio file associated with each post.) There is one called The Dog Trainer – Quick and Dirty Tips for Teaching and Caring for your Pet. You can find the articles and audio files at I’ve only listened to a few episodes, but I really like them so far. I like the fact that they are only about 6-7 minutes long, just enough to give you some new ideas and get you thinking, but doesn’t go too in-depth into the topic. Just as other Podcasts, you can subscribe to the RSS feeds and listen to them in iTunes or Google Reader. You can fit in an episode whenever you get a spare few minutes. When traveling, download them to an mp3 player and play them on the trip.
Social Networking
The author, Jolanta Benal, encourages sharing the content with others via email, adding your own comments, and connecting and joining the discussions on twitter and facebook.
Do you listen to The Dog Trainer? What other pet-related Blogs and Podcasts do you subscribe to? (Hope you add Pawfect Lounge to your list!)