Columbus was hit with a major snowstorm this weekend. I think we have at least 8 inches so far. But that doesn’t stop our Border Collie Ty from wanting to go outside all the time! We fenced in our yard a few years ago, our neighbors did theirs soon after, and we keep a gate between the two yards open all the time. It makes it very convenient to just let him run around on his own to do his business. He comes back with a dusting of snow covering his fur, but at least I know it’s on the outside layer of his fur and shouldn’t have gotten next to his skin to make him cold.
I keep an old towel next to the door for wiping his feet when he comes in, but the towel gets so dirty and isn’t very attractive lying on the floor all the time. I’m training him to come inside and sit down first, so I can wipe his paws (and fur) before he walks all over the house. As long as I’m consistent he should pick up the habit quickly. But I usually have to put in some effort and hold him back. I think he comes in thirsty and wants to go over to the water bowl. Perhaps I should bring the bowl close to the door! What is your routine? Do you have any tips to share with others?